Does weight training make a woman look bulky and masculine?
The biggest argument in a woman’s mind when thinking about getting fit and healthy or going to the gym. Cardio or weights? One of the biggest misconceptions about woman and weight training explained with a bit of science to end this argument once for all. At Umaxfitness we show to all women the benefits of weight training and how to perform a resistance workout safely offering tips and training plans.
The benefits of weight training
Training with weights or any other sort of resistance has always been the only way to get our bodies shaped and stronger. Pretty much any type of training methods uses some sort of resistance (including body weight) to make the right changes happen.
Resistance training will help you to build strength, muscle mass, lose weight, tone up, regulates blood flow, speeds up your metabolism, increases bone density, better flexibility and overall mobility, more balance and reduce joints pain. Those are just some of the physical improvement, from weight training you also reduce stress and anxiety, have better mood, feel more energised and happier, clear up brain fog and make you more productive at work. Also, who performs resistance training showed a significant reduction in symptoms of depression.

Effects of weightlifting on males
Genetically speaking, the male body likes that! The response of heavy lifting to a male body is amazing. It has a lot to do with the boost of testosterone production, this is a hormone present in humans but in much larger quantity on male (woman still produce some but in a much smaller quantity). When a male has more testosterone floating in the body, he is a happy man! It improves mood, sex drives, increases energy, self-esteem and obviously it helps with building muscles. Thanks to the testosterone we have seen humans going to achieve amazing athletics results with more strength, more muscles and more performance.
Let’s look now at what it is happening to a male body when going for resistance training. A male tends to train more upper body than lower body. It’s part of the gym culture and as human being, we are more intimidated by the bulky look of muscular male and so man want to go for this kind of meaning shape and WE will do anything possible to get there, so we train upper body harder and more often.

How about women lifting weights?
When a woman trains with weights things are a bit different. Remember testosterone? That hormone is the one responsible for masculine line to your body. The woman equivalent is estrogen and gives your all those beautiful curves that man loves. Estrogen also controls the level of testosterone in women’s body and because of that, a woman cannot look like a man. Studies have shown that resistance training acutely increases total testosterone in males (Hakkinen & Pakarinen, 1995); whereas there is NO change in females.
Because women produce only a fraction of the muscle building hormone (testosterone), they are not able to look masculine that easily without some external chemical support. Also, there are so many variables into weight training to choose from that it is unliky a woman would go for a muscle mass training type plan. But the right plan will get you that tone to touch body, beautiful clean skin and youthful physique.
Let’s talk about the exercise choice. You never see a woman bench pressing 3 times a week, unless she is a professional powerlifter. Women likes to train more lower body then upper and you see that when you walk into the gym. Building a big upper body is a hard task for the ladies simply because there is that genetic gift missing. Women reaches better shapes and quicker results than a male when training legs and bum, it is in the GENES!

Masculinisation of a woman body is the product of muscle growth hormone, testosterone. A woman can only reach a high level of testosterone by chronically using compounds (steroids) combined with the right type of weight training.
With a normal level of testosterone combined with the right training, women will never look like a man.
Personal training
If you want support with your fitness plan, we offer a flexible 1 to 1 personal training service. This can be suitable for whether you’re beginner or an expert lifter, where we can also offer some nutritional advice to help you obtain your goals. We begin with an initial interview and carry out weekly check-in meetings to make sure you have ongoing support during your fitness journey.
Contact Us
Feel free to contact us for advice and to obtain a lockdown fitness plan. Simply complete the online contact form, or you can alternatively call or text 07508531855 for more urgent enquiries and we will be happy to help you in any way we can.
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